Here’s a column I enjoyed

Here’s a column by Matthew Hansen that really drew me in and made me want to read more. Of course the title had something to do with it, anything with zombies in the title makes me do a double take.

I really liked this column because I found it to make really good points about smartphone use…also the drawing the kid did could have been on an episode of the Twilight Zone. I’ve always believed that people spend entirely too much time on their cell phones, which is why I put off getting a smartphone as long as possible. However, after getting lost in Kansas City for the fourth time, I caved. I was 20 years old when I got my first smartphone, and back then I barely glanced at it unless I needed directions somewhere. Half the time I forgot it in my room when I left. Now, I always have it near me and I spend way too much time on it. Although to be fair, a decent amount of what I do is school-based. I have apps for my school email and Canvas. I also read a lot of news articles on my phone. Plus, there are a lot of adorable cat videos online.

However, what is my 10 year old nephew doing on his smartphone? Somehow I doubt he’s reading the Omaha World-Herald. Hansen’s column goes into detail about studies done and the side effects of too much screen time. That’s another thing I like about this column, it’s not just opinion, there’s a lot of facts and research in there. I also liked how Hansen admits that he does it too, how often he checks his phone.

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