Strange words

As an English major, one of my favorite hobbies is using strange words that nobody will understand without looking them up. Believe you me, there are some strange words out there with even stranger meanings. Also, I always get strange looks for the “believe you me” expression. So here’s a list of the weirdest words I know for each letter of the alphabet. If you don’t believe me, you can find them all here

  1. Absquatulate- to leave somewhere abruptly
  2. Borborygmus- a rumbling or gurgling noise in the intestines
  3. Chiliad- a thousand things or a thousand years
  4. Doryphore- a pedantic and annoyingly persistent critic of others
  5. Ecdysiast- a striptease performer
  6. Floccinaucinihilipilification- the action or habit of estimating something as worthless
  7. Gobemouche- a gullible or credulous listener
  8. Humdudgeon- an imaginary illness
  9. Ingurgitate- to swallow something greedily
  10. Jumentous- resembling horse’s urine
  11. Karateka- a person who preforms karate
  12. Logomachy- an argument about words
  13. Meacock- a coward or effeminate person
  14. Nugacity- triviality or fivolity
  15. Onolatry- the worship of donkeys or asses
  16. Pooter- a suction bottle for collecting insects and other small invertebrates
  17. Quackle- to choke; to sufficate
  18. Rumpot- a habitual or heavy drinker
  19. Sesquipedailian- having many syllables or using many long words
  20. Triskaidekaphobia- and extreme superstition about the number thirteen.
  21. Umbriferous- shady
  22. Vidiot- a habitual, undiscriminating watcher of television or videotapes
  23. Wittol- a man who knows of and tolerates his wife’s infidelity
  24. Xanthippe- ill-tempered woman
  25. Yachty- relating to yachts
  26. Zabernism- misuse of military authority; bullying

So now you know 26 fun new words to confuse your friends with. Personally, I’m looking forward to calling my brother-in-law a meacock and seeing his confusion. It’s going to be great. But seriously, there are millions of words out there for every thing. Play around a little and make some interesting sentences. Or insults. I won’t judge.

3 thoughts on “Strange words

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these. I’d heard maybe two of them before, and I just love using words like this and seeing the look on people’s faces. My boyfriend does this all the time to me, and I’d be happy to do it back

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I always love using them, I just try to avoid it if I want anyone to read what I’m writing. So now I just try to throw one or two into conversation, most people just nod like they know what I’m talking about but they can’t hide the confusion.


  3. I love this and I can honestly say that I didn’t know a single one of those words. I should attempt to memorize them and start using them while I’m serving tables. I’ll see how many people actually listen to their servers!


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